
Welcome to the PSG newsfeed! Here you will find the latest in announcements for the annual meeting, conservation action, volunteer opportunities, awards, and many more topics related to PSG, seabirds, and conservation. To filter the postings and find news for a specific topic, just select one of the News Categories on the right!

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Paid Crew Lead: Wildlife Refuge Specialist (CA)

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is hiring a Wildlife Refuge Specialist; this is an amazing opportunity to work on a truly magical national wildlife refuge just off the coast of San Francisco! Work includes assisting with facility maintenance, invasive plant control, leading groups of volunteers, assisting with seabird and other restoration projects, and working closely with partners. Deadline to apply: 4/18/2023!

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Paid Field/Research Assistant: Field Assistant – Tier 1 (HI)

Archipelago Research and Conservation LLC (ARC) is hiring a 9-month full-time position to document seabird distribution across Kaua‘i and monitor breeding success and relative abundance of Newell’s Shearwaters and Hawaiian Petrels at colony sites as well as burrow checks, camera deployments, and Song Meter deployments to monitor breeding success. Note: POSITION FILLED.

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Paid Field/Research Assistant: Antarctica Program Research Assistant (CA and Antarctica)

Point Blue Conservation Science is hiring a research assistant part of a multi-institution team to study penguins and the Antarctic ecosystem. In particular, emphasis will be on the long-term effects of early life conditions on individuals as they mature and use of devices deployed on penguins to monitor environmental change and developing machine learning models to count penguins from UAV imagery. Field…

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Paid Coordinator: West Coast Ocean Data Portal Coordinator (WA, OR, or CA)

The West Coast Ocean Data Portal (WCODP), in partnership with the West Coast Ocean Alliance (WCOA), is hiring a new full-time Portal Coordinator to support all activities of the WCODP related to ongoing development of ocean data products, coordination with a range of ocean data users and providers, and outreach and engagement with ocean management partners regionally and nationally. Deadline to apply:…

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Unpaid Field/Research Assistant: Habitat Restoration Volunteer (HI)

The State of Hawai’i’s Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) and Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) are searching for volunteers to assist with habitat restoration on Hōlanikū (Kure Atoll), Papahānaumokuākea (Northwestern Hawaiian Islands)–a remote wildlife sanctuary–from May 10, 2023 to October 30, 2023. Deadline to apply: 4/28/2023.

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Paid Technician: Seabird Technician with Archipelago Research and Conservation (HI)

Archipelago Research and Conservation LLC (ARC) is hiring a 9-month full-time seabird technician 9-month full time position to help with research and management activities for the recovery of native fauna in the Pacific, with a particular focus on the endangered Newell’s Shearwater (Puffinus newelli), Hawaiian Petrel (Pterodroma sandwichensis), and Band-rumped Storm-petrel (Oceanodroma castro) on the island of Kaua‘i. Deadline to apply: 3/17/2023.

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Paid Field/Research Assistant: Seabird Predator Research Assistant with Oregon State University (OR)

The Seabird Oceanography Lab at Oregon State University is hiring one seasonal field technician to assist with seabird predation research throughout Curry County, Oregon during the summer 2023 field season (June 12th to September 15th; dates somewhat flexible). Deadline to apply: 4/1/2023.