PSG News Stream

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Job Opening: Predator Control Specialist (HI)

Hallux Ecosystem Restoration is hiring a Predator Control Specialist to monitor and control non-native invasive vertebrates including cats, rats, mice, barn owls, and feral pigs within three endangered Hawaiian Petrel and Newell’s Shearwater colonies in the remote and mountainous Hono O Na Pali (HONP) Natural Area Reserve on Kaua’i. Deadline to apply: 4/30/2022.

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Job Opening: Seabird and Marine Mammal Biologist (WA)

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is hiring a full-time, permanent seabird and marine mammal biologist to conduct professional biological studies and provides analysis and assessment of wildlife management data using established scientific principles and techniques. Deadline to apply: 4/10/2022.

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Job Openings: Field Team Leader and Field Officer (Gough Island)

The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) is looking to recruit a Field Team Leader and Field Officer to carry out bird monitoring and other field work on Gough Island, including the control of an invasive plant Sagina procumbens and activities following the unsuccessful mouse eradication operation on the island in 2021. Deadline to apply: ASAP! Interviews start in early…

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Three Funding Opportunities for Coastal Communities & Habitats

Pacific Birds Habitat Joint Venture announces a $140 million investment will be made to protect coastal communities and enhance fish and wildlife habitats. There is a informational webinar about the RFP, hosted Pacific Birds Habitat Joint Venture, on 3/30/2022 and the deadline for pre-proposals is 4/21/2022.

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2 Postdoc Positions: Marine spatial planning and cumulative impacts of blue growth on seabirds (Norway)

The Department of Terrestrial Ecology at Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) is announcing two vacant positions for post-doctoral research fellowships. Deadline to apply: 3/31/2022.