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Job Opening: Junior Specialist Positions to Assist with Seabird Monitoring

The Institute of Marine Sciences at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) invites applications for short-term, junior specialist positions for two or more field seasons to assist with seabird monitoring studies along the West Antarctic Peninsula, either at Palmer Station or aboard the R/V Laurence M. Gould. Deadline to apply: 8/1/2022.

The specialists will work under the direction of Dr. Megan Cimino, the lead of seabird research with the Palmer Long-Term Ecological Research program (https://pal.lternet.edu/). Seabirds are indicators of environmental change and variability, and this research examines key aspects of their life histories, such as breeding biology, foraging ecology, behavior, and migration to understand mechanistic processes. The general duties of the positions are to routinely visit seabird colonies via small boats to conduct various monitoring protocols, install and maintain field equipment, collect and enter data and perform quality control, and to effectively plan research activities and manage resources. The position requires incumbents to be self-motivated; follow instructions and protocols accurately; successfully multitask; employ strong interpersonal, communication, and decision-making skills; and successfully work independently and as part of a team. Applicants must be willing to live and work in a very isolated community (i.e., remote field station) where duties often extend beyond seabird ecology (e.g., cooking, cleaning, chores, community activities, assisting other projects etc.). Applicants will contribute to technical reports, presentations, outreach, data visualization, and maintain daily logs.

For more information and to apply, click here.