PSG urges science-based decision for Marbled Murrelets
PSG, with Portland Audubon, sent a letter to the Governor’s Office and ODFW commissioners regarding Marbled Murrelet listing status.
Welcome to the PSG newsfeed! Here you will find the latest in announcements for the annual meeting, conservation action, volunteer opportunities, awards, and many more topics related to PSG, seabirds, and conservation. To filter the postings and find news for a specific topic, just select one of the News Categories on the right!
PSG, with Portland Audubon, sent a letter to the Governor’s Office and ODFW commissioners regarding Marbled Murrelet listing status.
The USGS Western Ecological Research Center’s seabird research group is looking to hire a 1–4 yr, full-time, TERM Wildlife Biologist.
Submission opens today Wed 27 Jun and closes Wed 15 Aug 2018. Please see Scientific Program page for information and to submit proposals. More info….
A survey was sent to all members to review the draft PSG Code of Conduct. Please submit your review by 25 July 2018.
The PSG 46th Annual Meeting will be held in Kauai from 28 Feb to 2 Mar 2019 – all welcome!
Please see the Program & Schedule Page for deadlines for abstract submission, travel awards and other items.
Various Federal, State and non-profit organizations in the Homer area offer internship and volunteer opportunities and may include students enrolled at KBC for the fall semester.
For a list of the May seabird publications click here
The Marine Conservation Institute features PSG’s Vice-Chair for Conservation in the blog, “A Beautiful Gem in the South Pacific: Scientists on Rose Atoll”
After 10 years of planning and implementation for rat removal, the island is declared rodent free. See the South Georgia Heritage Trust (SGHT) for more information.
Marine Ornithology is an open access journal that is published through a partnership of the African Seabird Group, Australasian Seabird Group, Dutch Seabird Group, Japanese Seabird Group, and Pacific Seabird Group.
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The objective of the Conservation Fund is to advance the conservation of seabirds in developing countries primarily in or bordering the Pacific Ocean by providing funds for conservation and restoration activities, and building within-country seabird expertise. Learn More »