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Project Leader Positions in Hawaii

Please read more to apply for two positions with US National Wildlife Refuges in Hawaii. 

We are pleased to announce the opening of two Project Leader positions in Hawaii.  One position is the PL for the Big Island NWRC and is stationed in Hilo, Hawaii.  The other position is the PL for the Oahu/Mauii NWRC and is stationed on the Island of Oahu.

These are incredible places to live and work. For example: Hakalau Forest NWR is home to some of the rarest forest birds in the world (https://www.fws.gov/refuge/Hakalau_Forest/about.html) and the habitat restoration work being done with native plants and volunteers is world class.  On Oahu, James Campbell NWR includes the Kahuku coastline which is one of the few remaining wild coastlines of its kind in the U.S.: here, we manage wetland and dune habitats for rare and endangered animals and plants. Among them are four endangered water birds found only in Hawaii: the koloa (Hawaiian duck), the ‘alae ke‘oke‘o (Hawaiian coot), ‘alae‘ula (Hawaiian moorhen) and the ae‘o (Hawaiian stilt). (https://www.fws.gov/refuge/James_Campbell/about.html).

These two refuges are only part of the NWR complexes managed by the two incumbent Project Leaders.  If you are interested in living and working in the land of Aloha, we encourage you to apply.

If you have any questions, please contact Barry Stieglitz (barry_stieglitz@fws.gov) or Kim Trust (kim_trust@fws.gov).

R1-18-10262022-BP-DE     https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/505224300/

R1-18-10260789-BP-MP     https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/505222300

The announcements are open Tuesday, July 17, 2018 thru ​Tues, July ​3​1, 2018.