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Albatross Task Force in Chile – innovation to reduce seabird bycatch!

ATF-Chile has been recognised with the Oceans category award for a “modified purse seine” to reduce seabird bycatch.

A report from ATF-Chile on a novel purse seine bycatch mitigation measure is available, an innovative project that has been recognised in the Oceans category for Best 500 Environmental Initiatives in Latin America.   This research was presented at the 45th PSG Annual Meeting in La Paz, Mexico in Feb 2018.

To download a two-page report – click here!

This Latin American Green Award highlights the importance of the issue of seabird bycatch in fisheries and the need for improvements in mitigation measures.  This recognition brings much needed attention to a continent-wide agenda for innovative,  environmental solutions to seabird bycatch in the purse seine fishery.

Please contract Mr. Cristián G. Suazo at ATF Chile for more information: Twitter @ATF_Chile and http://biosuazo@gmail.com (ATF-Chile coordination).