Paid Field/Research Assistant

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Paid Field/Research Assistant: Undergraduate Seabird Research Fellow (OR)

The Vanguarding an Inclusive Ecological Workforce (VIEW) Fellowship at Oregon State University is a summer research experience program that supports the professional development of future ecologists from communities that have been historically excluded or are currently underrepresented. The Seabird Oceanography Lab will be hosting a VIEW fellow during the summer 2024 field season. Deadline to apply: February 22, 2024.

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Paid Field/Research Assistant: Avian Nursery Assistant (NZ)

BirdCare Aotearoa wild bird hospital (BCA) is seeking an avian nursery assistant to care for baby birds in assigned nursery areas each day and ensure that they are weighed, fed, watered, and cleaned and that the pens and habitats are clean, safe, and tidy. This position has an immediate start, so applicants must be New Zealand citizens, residents, or have a valid…

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Paid Field/Research Assistant: Colony Monitoring Field Assistant (HI)

Archipelago Research and Conservation LLC is seeking a seabird technician for a 9-month position to assist with surveys to document seabird distribution across Kaua`i and monitor breeding success and relative abundance of Newell’s Shearwaters and Hawaiian Petrels at colony management sites. Deadline to apply: 1/21/2024.

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Paid Field/Research Assistant: Tern and Plover Monitoring and Research Seasonal Position (CA)

The Recovery Ecology Group within Wildlife Conservation Science at the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance is hiring a position focused on research, monitoring, and applied management to aid the recovery of endangered California Least Terns and threatened Western Snowy Plovers in San Diego County. Deadline to apply: 1/7/2024.

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Paid Field/Research Assistant: New Caledonian Crow Cognition and Behavior

The Department of Linguistic and Cultural Evolution (DLCE) is looking to fill several 2-6 month freelance aviary and field research assistant positions to support their research team in conducting field work on the tool-use and general foraging behavior of the New Caledonian Crow. Deadline to apply: 12/8/2023.

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Paid Research Assistant: Research Associate – Coastal Birds (SC)

The South Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and the Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation at Clemson University seek to hire a Research Associate to conduct research on the ecology of seabirds and shorebirds in coastal South Carolina, USA. Deadline to apply: 10/22/2023.

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Paid Field/Research Assistant: Tufted Puffin Bill Load Photography Technician (OR)

The Seabird Oceanography Lab at Oregon State University is hiring one (1) seasonal field technician from 7/10/2023 to 8/18/2023 (40 days, start and end date may be flexible) to conduct bill load photography of tufted puffins, monitor disturbances by eagles, and interact with the public. The field work will occur in Cannon Beach, Oregon. Deadline to apply: 6/9/2023.

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Paid Field/Research Assistant: Wildlife Technician (CA)

The Common Murre Restoration Project is seeking up to three (pending available funding) Wildlife Technician positions to conduct monitoring of breeding seabirds including Common Murre, Brandt’s Cormorant, Pelagic Cormorant, Western Gull, Black Oystercatcher, and Pigeon Guillemot along the central California coast. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until a suitable candidate is found. Deadline to apply: ASAP!

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Paid Field/Research Assistant: Field Assistant – Tier 1 (HI)

Archipelago Research and Conservation LLC (ARC) is hiring a 9-month full-time position to document seabird distribution across Kaua‘i and monitor breeding success and relative abundance of Newell’s Shearwaters and Hawaiian Petrels at colony sites as well as burrow checks, camera deployments, and Song Meter deployments to monitor breeding success. Note: POSITION FILLED.