Call for Nominations: PSG Awards!
Please submit your nominations for PSG Lifetime and Special Achievement Awards to the PSG Past Chair by 18 August 2017, 5 PM PDT. Please see the PSG Awards page for more information.
Please submit your nominations for PSG Lifetime and Special Achievement Awards to the PSG Past Chair by 18 August 2017, 5 PM PDT. Please see the PSG Awards page for more information.
In recognition of his significant contributions to our knowledge about the ecology and conservation needs of the marbled murrelet, and his work to examine at-sea distribution of seabirds with respect to the Salish Sea and California Current ecosystems, the PSG honors Dr. Raphael with the 2017 Special Achievement Award.
For her lifetime of education, research, and international leadership in conservation of seabirds, including opening new frontiers in ecological studies and conservation of penguins in South America, the Pacific Seabird Group honors Dr. Boersma with the 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award.
In recognition of her decades of research on the ecology of Atlantic seabirds and their prey, leading to long-term studies and conservation efforts, her international leadership in education, ecosystem studies, and management that have benefitted seabirds, the Pacific Seabird Group honors Dr. Wanless with the 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award.
The Pacific Seabird Group awards Lindsay Young with a Special Achievement Award in recognition of her perseverance to protect and conserve Hawaiian seabirds and her sustained commitment to the Pacific Seabird Group.
In recognition of his pioneering contributions to the conservation of Kittlitz’s and Marbled Murrelets in Alaska and his decades of commitment to understand and protect these mysterious seabirds, PSG honors Gus Van Vliet with a Special Achievement Award.
In recognition of his significant achievements and impacts in the fields of seabird ecology, fisheries science, and marine conservation, the Pacific Seabird Group honors John Piatt for over 25 years of scientific leadership, international collaboration, and the creation of the North Pacific Pelagic Seabird Database with a Lifetime Achievement Award.
In recognition of a passionate scientist whose unstinting focus on solving unanswered questions about seabirds led to many profound discoveries, the Pacific Seabird Group honors Larry Spear posthumously with a Lifetime Achievement Award.
Marine Ornithology is an open access journal that is published through a partnership of the African Seabird Group, Australasian Seabird Group, Dutch Seabird Group, Japanese Seabird Group, and Pacific Seabird Group.
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The objective of the Conservation Fund is to advance the conservation of seabirds in developing countries primarily in or bordering the Pacific Ocean by providing funds for conservation and restoration activities, and building within-country seabird expertise. Learn More »