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PSG 2021 – Guidance on Seabird Priorities in the Central Coast

PSG invites Annual Meeting attendees to join a discussion about the California Central Coast Joint Venture (C3JV), an emerging partnership working to fill the last remnant void of Joint Ventures in the continental US. For a primer on Joint Ventures, see this link. At this event, attendees will discuss and explore the role the C3JV may play in advancing seabird conservation in the Central Coast region of the California Current, proposing some focal species, key threats and strategies, and important research foci. PSG invites anyone who has interest in this space or who would like to help steer C3JV in a direction leading to effective conservation planning and on-the-ground efforts in the waters between Point Conception and Ano Nuevo Point. Come share your knowledge, thoughts and critique as PSG assists in developing a conservation implementation plan as part of C3JV’s formalization as a Joint Venture with the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

The meeting details are below:

Discussion Topic: California Central Coast Joint Venture Seabird Conservation Priorities

Time: February 23rd, 8:00-9:00AM PST

Meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84333711107?pwd=N1lFY0x6bkU0Q0FXV0w1YXhYeGk4dz09

Mtg ID: 843 3371 1107 | Passcode: 564544


Questions? Contact Connor Jandreau.