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Looking for a bird job? Try the Ornithology Exchange!

More than 100 positions listed. Sign up for Birdjobs-L and receive notices automatically!  

The Birdjobs-L e-list will continue to be an option for receiving notices about ornithological jobs. Subscribers to this list will receive the same announcements that appear on Ornithology Exchange in a weekly/biweekly list. To subscribe, send the following message to:  lyris@cornell.edu , in the body of the message type: join Birdjobs-L “your name”. The subject line should be bl ank. Please use the “plain text only” e-mail format option, include your own name in the message, and put quotation marks around your name.  If you need help, contact ctrine@andrews.edu.

To prevent the harvesting of email addresses in this list, all email addresses have had the ‘@’ sign replaced with ‘ AT ‘. To reduce the possibility of typing in the wrong address when responding, please cut and paste the whole address and then replace the ‘ AT ‘ with ‘@’.