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Call for Data – Atlantic Puffin population numbers

As part of a large collaborative effort to compile the UK Seabird Census, researchers are seeking the most recent Atlantic Puffin population numbers at the country/regional level for the United States, Greenland, Faroes, Russia and St Pierre and Miquelon.

Any recent population count data the PSG could provide on the Atlantic Puffin population in the US or any of the other countries/regions and/or give us a steer into the direction of where to obtain the required information would be greatly appreciated. Goes without saying that any contribution would be appropriately acknowledged in the publication.

Please email Antje Steinfurth (Antje.Steinfurth@rspb.org.uk) and Ellie Owen (EOwen@nts.org.uk) if you have any data that you would be willing to contribute or any other information that you can share. Click here to view the outcome of a literature search that researchers have conducted so far.

Very much looking forward to hearing from everyone and with all my best wishes,

Antje Steinfurth | she/her
Conservation Scientist
Centre for Conservation Science
The David Attenborough Building
Pembroke St