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Paid Research Assistant: Research Associate – Coastal Birds (SC)

The South Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and the Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation at Clemson University seek to hire a Research Associate to conduct research on the ecology of seabirds and shorebirds in coastal South Carolina, USA. Deadline to apply: 10/22/2023.

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You’re invited to the Washington/Oregon PSG Slack Channel!

We have kicked off a pilot region-specific Slack channel for Washington/Oregon (#wa-or-region) on the Pacific Seabird Group Slack to help increase communication and collaboration across our organization. We hope that this (optional!) channel will be an easy way to connect with others across the region to ask questions, post local stories, announce seabird-related opportunities, share gear, ask for volunteers/support, etc. Everyone with an…

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Graduate Position: Application of Marine Bird Telemetry Data in Oceanographic Research

A funded PhD position at Klaipeda University in Lithuania is available! The project will focus on using tracking data from Great Cormorants and sea ducks in the Baltic Sea to identify changes in the coastal environment, gain new knowledge about birds’ feeding behavior and investigate whether this method of seabird oceanography can be used for coastal monitoring. This position is fully funded…

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Paid Technician: At-sea Seabird Observer Technician (OR)

The Seabird Oceanography Lab at Oregon State University is hiring one (1) at-sea seabird observer technician for a survey on the R/V Pacific Storm from 9/30/2023 to 10/20/2023 (10-days of survey work, 20-day cruise window tentatively departing Oct 1). The survey will occur off-shore from Cape Mendocino to the Columbia River. Deadline to apply: 8/20/2023.

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Part-time Paid: World Seabird Union Communications Coordinator (remote)

The World Seabird Union (WSU) is seeking a communications coordinator to promote information exchange on issues related to seabird conservation, management, and research on a global scale. This is a new position, providing the WSU with the opportunity to enhance the level of global knowledge exchange and create connections among seabird researchers, and in doing so, build capacity for seabird science and…

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Funding Opportunity: Sea Duck Joint Venture Request for Proposals

The Sea Duck Joint Venture’s 2024 Request for Proposals has been released! The SDJV has broadened the focus of their RFP to encourage new partnerships and novel scientific approaches to sea duck research and monitoring, and improve their ability to address emerging conservation challenges. They’re requesting proposals that focus on one or more of the identified research priorities listed. Deadline to apply:…

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Unpaid Field Assistant: Habitat Restoration Volunteer (HI)

The State of Hawai’i’s Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) is seeking Habitat Restoration Volunteers for work at Kure Atoll Wildlife Sanctuary (Hōlanikū) in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. This position is a rare opportunity to protect and recover a unique ecosystem while living in a remote wildlife sanctuary! Deadline to apply: 9/30/2023.

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Paid Field/Research Assistant: Tufted Puffin Bill Load Photography Technician (OR)

The Seabird Oceanography Lab at Oregon State University is hiring one (1) seasonal field technician from 7/10/2023 to 8/18/2023 (40 days, start and end date may be flexible) to conduct bill load photography of tufted puffins, monitor disturbances by eagles, and interact with the public. The field work will occur in Cannon Beach, Oregon. Deadline to apply: 6/9/2023.