Job Opening: Field Biology Technician (AK)
ABR, Inc. is searching for a wildlife, vegetation, and wetland (seasonal) field technicians for 2 to 5 months. Deadline to apply: 2/17/2022.
ABR, Inc. is searching for a wildlife, vegetation, and wetland (seasonal) field technicians for 2 to 5 months. Deadline to apply: 2/17/2022.
An anonymous donor has offered to match any donations made to the Craig S. Harrison Conservation Fund during February 2022 up to $5,000. If we meet the $5,000 goal, $10,000 would go toward small grants, all thanks to this generous donor!
British Antarctic Survey are seeking Zoological Field Assistants to carry out fieldwork on seabirds and seals on a sub-Antarctic island. Deadline to apply: 3/31/2022.
The Oregon Marbled Murrelet Project (OMMP) at Oregon State University is hiring twelve (12) seasonal field technicians from 4/18/22 to 8/12/22. Deadline to apply: Open until filled, applications reviewed on a rolling basis.
The Common Murre Restoration Project is seeking up to three (pending available funding) Site Leader positions to conduct monitoring of breeding seabirds including Common Murre, Brandt’s Cormorant, Pelagic Cormorant, Western Gull, Black Oystercatcher and Pigeon Guillemot along the central California coast. Deadline to apply: 1/10/2022.
The Common Murre Restoration Project is seeking up to three (pending available funding) Wildlife Technician positions to conduct monitoring of breeding seabirds including Common Murre, Brandt’s Cormorant, Pelagic Cormorant, Western Gull, Black Oystercatcher and Pigeon Guillemot along the central California coast. Deadline to apply: 1/10/2022.
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge is recruiting up to 14 Biological Science Technician (Avian) positions for the summer of 2022 to assist with our seabird monitoring program. Deadline to apply: 12/27/2021.
Umpqua Valley Audubon Society (UVAS) in Roseburg, Oregon is hiring an Outreach Coordinator. Deadline to apply: 1/10/2022.
Oikonos Ecosystem Knowledge is seeking a field ecologist who is passionate about seabird conservation and community to work with our project at Año Nuevo Island, on the central California coast. Deadline to apply: 12/31/2021.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is seeking volunteers for the biological program at Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge from March 22, 2022 to September 6, 2022. Deadline to apply: 12/17/2021.
Marine Ornithology is an open access journal that is published through a partnership of the African Seabird Group, Australasian Seabird Group, Dutch Seabird Group, Japanese Seabird Group, and Pacific Seabird Group.
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The objective of the Conservation Fund is to advance the conservation of seabirds in developing countries primarily in or bordering the Pacific Ocean by providing funds for conservation and restoration activities, and building within-country seabird expertise. Learn More »