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Job Openings: Oregon Marbled Murrelet Project Crew Lead + Tech (OR)

The Oregon Marbled Murrelet Project (OMMP) at Oregon State University is hiring one of two seasonal field crew leaders from 4/19/21 to 8/13/21 (17 weeks, start and end date may be flexible, possibility of extension) to assist with a long-term, large-scale study of space use and nest success of the federally threatened Marbled Murrelet. OMMP is also hiring one of eight (8)…

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Job Opening: Alaska Maritime NWR 2021 Summer Seabird Job Opportunities

Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge is currently recruiting Biological Science Technicians (Avian) for the 2021 summer field season. This is a unique opportunity to live and work on wild, remote islands in the Aleutian Islands, Bering Sea, or Gulf of Alaska, and contribute to an internationally-recognized seabird monitoring program spanning more than 40 years.