PSG Annual Meeting

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PSG 2022 Student-Mentor Session Final Call for Registration

With PSG 2022 quickly approaching, we wanted to make sure we had heard from everyone who is interested in participating in this year’s Student-Mentor session, which will take place Wednesday, February 23rd, 5:00 – 6:00 pm (Pacific time). This event will be an informal virtual evening gathering and an opportunity for students and early career scientists to connect in small groups with…

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Silent AUKtion – last call for donation submission!

Just a reminder that the Silent AUKtion will stop accepting donations of items to auction off on January 30th! We have already received an awesome assortment of items (check them out here), but we would love to raise even more money for student research this year! If you’ve been thinking about donating a cool seabird or marine-themed item but haven’t gotten around to…

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PSG 2022 Mentoring Session Reminder

Attention PSG members! If you’re interested in meeting new people, expanding your professional network, building your mentoring skills, or learning from others within PSG, don’t forget to register for the Mentoring Session when you register for PSG 2022! Pre-registration for this event is REQUIRED, so sign up now!