PSG 2021 Annual Meeting Tentative Schedule
The PSG 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting February 22-26th is just around the corner and the schedule is shaping up!
Welcome to the PSG newsfeed! Here you will find the latest in announcements for the annual meeting, conservation action, volunteer opportunities, awards, and many more topics related to PSG, seabirds, and conservation. To filter the postings and find news for a specific topic, just select one of the News Categories on the right!
The PSG 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting February 22-26th is just around the corner and the schedule is shaping up!
Don’t forget: we are still accepting “late breaking” poster abstracts through January 22!
This is the last week to donate items to the first-ever virtual PSG Silent AUKtion!
Elections are OPEN for the PSG 2021-2022 Executive Council. Open positions include: Chair-elect, Secretary, Vice-Chair for Conservation, and Regional Representatives for Canada, Non-Pacific U.S. States, Southern California/Latin America/Hawaii, and Washington/Oregon.
Pacific Rim Conservation is hiring a seabird conservation technician based on Kauai, Hawaii.
Wildlife Acoustics is putting on a FREE webinar on January 28th for researchers interested in using wildlife audio recorders and analysis software.
Looking for seabird swag? PSG 2021 is selling tank tops, short and long sleeve shirts, phone cases, neck gaiters, and more! Check out our merchandise website here! Also check out the first-ever virtual PSG Silent AUKtion!
Attention PSG photographers, knitters, cross-stitchers, needle-felters, crocheters, painters, sketchers, sculptors, and all other artists! We are still seeking item donations for the virtual PSG 2021 Silent AUKtion!
New program addition: PSG is planning a PSG Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Event! Please indicate your interest in learning more and participating in this event during registration. More workshop details to come.
PSG is also accepting abstracts for late-breaking posters only through January 22nd. Please follow the guidelines on how to prepare your abstract here (submit your abstract here). A properly formatted Word file is required.
Marine Ornithology is an open access journal that is published through a partnership of the African Seabird Group, Australasian Seabird Group, Dutch Seabird Group, Japanese Seabird Group, and Pacific Seabird Group.
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The objective of the Conservation Fund is to advance the conservation of seabirds in developing countries primarily in or bordering the Pacific Ocean by providing funds for conservation and restoration activities, and building within-country seabird expertise. Learn More »