
PSG EXCO Ballot Sent

Elections are OPEN for the PSG 2021-2022 Executive Council. Open positions include: Chair-elect, Secretary, Vice-Chair for Conservation, and Regional Representatives for Canada, Non-Pacific U.S. States, Southern California/Latin America/Hawaii, and Washington/Oregon.

Check your inbox for an email sent January 13 from: psg_elections@pacificseabirdgroup.org via SurveyMonkey.

Don’t see an email? Double-check that you are a current PSG member; many PSG members lapse at/near the year’s end. Visit the PSG Membership page here and click the blue “Join or Renew” button.

Voting closes at 11:59pm PST on Saturday, February 13, 2021. Vote now so we don’t bother you with reminders!

Questions? Are you interested in running for an EXCO position next year or serving on a committee? Email me (Katie O’Reilly) at psg_elections@pacificseabirdgroup.org.

And a very special thank you to everyone who volunteered to serve PSG by running for office on this year’s ballot ; as you will see, there is a fantastic slate of candidates.


Katie O’Reilly
PSG Elections Coordinator