
Welcome to the PSG newsfeed! Here you will find the latest in announcements for the annual meeting, conservation action, volunteer opportunities, awards, and many more topics related to PSG, seabirds, and conservation. To filter the postings and find news for a specific topic, just select one of the News Categories on the right!

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Job Opportunity: Seabird Research Intern

The Alaska SeaLife Center is hiring a seabird research intern, who will assist with the day-to-day support of various ongoing seabird and laboratory research. This position involves a combination of computer, laboratory, and some field work. Candidates with previous environmental science, seabird identification, or laboratory experience are preferred. Deadline to apply: 12/1/2022.

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Job Opening: Biologist at Alaska Maritime NWR (AK)

Alaska Maritime NWR is filling a permanent GS-5/7/9 biologist position in Homer, Alaska. The incumbent will assist with a variety of duties to support this Refuge’s long-term seabird monitoring program (data projects, logistics, field work). Deadline to apply: 11/17/2022.

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Job Opening: Pacific Northwest Motus Coordinator

The American Bird Conservancy is hiring a full-time position for the Pacific Northwest Motus Coordinator, which will provide key leadership and coordination of the Motus Wildlife Tracking System (Motus) and inform conservation action for migratory species. Deadline to apply: as soon as possible!

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Postdoc Position: Ex/In Situ Conservation (TN)

The Memphis Zoo is seeking an independently motivated, ambitious, and highly energetic individual for a 3-year post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in the Department of Conservation and Research. Specifically, the Memphis Zoo is seeking a candidate with experience linking ex situ and in situ Conservation and a taxonomic specialization in Mammalogy or Ornithology. Deadline to apply: 10/31/2022.