Paid Technician

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Paid Crew Lead: Field Biology Technician (HI)

Maui Nui Seabird Recovery Project is looking for a dedicated and experienced field biologist to support our work protecting and conserving the seabirds of Maui Nui and their breeding habitats. The primary duties of the lead field technician involve overseeing the field crew. Deadline to apply: May 24, 2024.

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Paid Technician: Scientific Technician, Boat Operator (WA)

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is hiring a technician/boat operator to conduct boat-based surveys across Washington’s breathtaking marine environments, including Puget Sound, the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and the outer coast down to the Columbia River. Deadline to apply: April 14, 2024.

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Paid Technician: Seabird Technician – Infrastructure Monitoring and Minimization Project (HI)

Archipelago Research and Conservation LLC is seeking a seabird technician for a 9-month position to assist with research and management activities for the recovery of seabirds in the Pacific, including `A`o (Newell’s Shearwater), `Ua`u (Hawaiian Petrel), and `Ake`ake (Band-rumped Storm-petrel) as well as threatened and endangered waterbirds. Deadline to apply: 1/15/2024.

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Paid Technician: Wildlife Technician (CA)

The Common Murre Restoration Project is seeking up to three Wildlife Technician positions to conduct monitoring of breeding seabirds including Common Murre, Brandt’s Cormorant, Pelagic Cormorant, Western Gull, Black Oystercatcher, and Pigeon Guillemot along the central California coast. Deadline to apply: 1/15/2024.

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Paid Technician: Coastal Waterbird Specialist (MA)

MassWildlife is hiring a Coastal Waterbird Specialist to assist the Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program’s Coastal Waterbird Biologist with all aspects of revising and implementing the Piping Plover Statewide Habitat Conservation Plan. The Coastal Waterbird Specialist assists with other tasks related to management of recreational beaches and other areas providing habitat to state and/or federally listed terns and Piping Plovers.

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Paid Crew Lead and Technicians: Aldabra Rat and Cat Eradication Project Officers (Seychelles)

The Seychelles Islands Foundation is recruiting two (2) project officers and one (1) senior project officer that will be responsible for the Aldabra Atoll UNESCO World Heritage Site rat and cat eradication (RaCE) feasibility phase. Deadline to apply: 12/8/2023.

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Paid Technician: Conservation Impact Data Specialist (remote)

Island Conservation (IC) is seeking a dedicated Conservation Impact Data Specialist to join IC’s Conservation Impact Team. The Data Specialist will be focused on developing and maintaining IC’s conservation impact databases, as well as acquiring, organizing, analyzing and sharing relevant data. This position will remain open until filled.

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Paid Technician: At-sea Seabird Observer Technician (OR)

The Seabird Oceanography Lab at Oregon State University is hiring one (1) at-sea seabird observer technician for a survey on the R/V Pacific Storm from 9/30/2023 to 10/20/2023 (10-days of survey work, 20-day cruise window tentatively departing Oct 1). The survey will occur off-shore from Cape Mendocino to the Columbia River. Deadline to apply: 8/20/2023.