
Welcome to the PSG newsfeed! Here you will find the latest in announcements for the annual meeting, conservation action, volunteer opportunities, awards, and many more topics related to PSG, seabirds, and conservation. To filter the postings and find news for a specific topic, just select one of the News Categories on the right!

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WbS/PSG 2025 – Reminder: Call for Meeting Workshops, Symposia & Round-Tables

The Scientific Program Chairs of the 2025 Waterbird Society & Pacific Seabird Group Joint Meeting are now accepting proposals for workshops, symposia, and round-tables to be held at the meeting in Costa Rica this January 6-9, 2025! Symposia and committee meetings must occur during these dates; workshops may also be held just before or after the conference.

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Postdoc Position: Postdoctoral Scholar in seabird population dynamics (CA)

The Institute for Ecological Monitoring and Management at San Diego State University is seeking a highly qualified and experienced postdoctoral scholar to join their research team and lead efforts in seabird population dynamics and quantitative analyses. Deadline to apply: as soon as possible!