Early Career Scientists

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Paid Field/Research Assistant: Antarctica Program Research Assistant (CA and Antarctica)

Point Blue Conservation Science is hiring a research assistant part of a multi-institution team to study penguins and the Antarctic ecosystem. In particular, emphasis will be on the long-term effects of early life conditions on individuals as they mature and use of devices deployed on penguins to monitor environmental change and developing machine learning models to count penguins from UAV imagery. Field…

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Paid Coordinator: West Coast Ocean Data Portal Coordinator (WA, OR, or CA)

The West Coast Ocean Data Portal (WCODP), in partnership with the West Coast Ocean Alliance (WCOA), is hiring a new full-time Portal Coordinator to support all activities of the WCODP related to ongoing development of ocean data products, coordination with a range of ocean data users and providers, and outreach and engagement with ocean management partners regionally and nationally. Deadline to apply:…

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Paid Technician: Seabird Technician with Archipelago Research and Conservation (HI)

Archipelago Research and Conservation LLC (ARC) is hiring a 9-month full-time seabird technician 9-month full time position to help with research and management activities for the recovery of native fauna in the Pacific, with a particular focus on the endangered Newell’s Shearwater (Puffinus newelli), Hawaiian Petrel (Pterodroma sandwichensis), and Band-rumped Storm-petrel (Oceanodroma castro) on the island of Kaua‘i. Deadline to apply: 3/17/2023.

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Paid Crew Lead: Research Coordinator at San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance (CA)

The SDZWA Conservation Science team is seeking a highly qualified and motivated candidate to form part of a team focused on research and monitoring of California least terns and Western snowy plovers. Deadline to apply: 3/25/2023.

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Paid Educator: Participant Coordinator at COASST (WA)

The Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team (COASST) is hiring a Participant Coordinator, who will serve as the nexus point of participants, and of student interns, responsible for the coordination of and communication with all COASST participants, including, but not limited to training. Deadline to apply: 3/14/2023.

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Paid Manager: General Manager at BirdCare Aotearoa (New Zealand)

BirdCare Aotearoa is hiring a General Manager to consolidate existing operations and lay the foundations for future growth and development. BirdCare Aotearoa is looking for a leader who is passionate about protecting New Zealand birds and who is highly experienced at building strategic partnerships and fundraising relationships. Deadline to apply: 3/3/2023.

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Paid Researcher: Research Associate at Stony Brook University (NY)

Stony Brook University is hiring a Research Associate to lead seabird and marine mammal field studies and contribute to related studies as part of a long-term monitoring program in the New York Bight. Deadline to apply: 3/17/2023.

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Paid Technician: Wildlife Biologist with North Coast Resource Management (CA)

North Coast Resource Management is seeking surveyors to conduct surveys for Northern Spotted Owls (NSOs) throughout Mendocino and Sonoma Counties in California. Special consideration will be given to individuals with Spotted Owl survey experience in addition to past/current certification for surveying Marbled Murrelets. Deadline to apply: 2/20/2023.

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Navigating USAJOBS: Best Practices When Applying for Federal Government Wildlife Science Positions

Confused by the federal hiring system? We’re here to HELP! Join the Pacific Seabird Group for this free webinar to learn more about the USAJOBS system. This training will help early career scientists and students navigate the federal hiring process, learn best practices for applying to positions in the wildlife sciences, and break down barriers to build a successful application.

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Paid Scientist: Senior Conservation Scientist for RSPB

The RSPB Centre for Conservation Science is seeking a Senior Conservation Scientist to join their International Science team. The post will involve developing and leading scientific projects to inform and support conservation of our priority international species. In particular, this will include working on island restoration and invasive species management and eradication in the UK Overseas Territories (UKOTs). Deadline to apply: ASAP!