
Help with photos for a NOAA Fisheries ID guide!

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is updating their species ID guide to include more information on the seabirds they encounter.

NOAA needs your help with photos that would be useful in identifying a variety of seabird species. The guide will be available online, free to the public as a Tech Memo (check out this example). Credit for images and sources will be listed in the guide as well. If you have any images that you would like to contribute to NOAA, please contact Eric Brasseur (eric.brasseur@noaa.gov).

Photos needed for these seabird species:

  • Gulls (various species)
  • Common murre
  • Northern fulmar
  • Storm petrels (various species)
  • Pelagic cormorant
  • Brandt’s cormorant
  • Double-crested cormorant
  • Sooty shearwater
  • Pink-footed shearwater
  • Flesh-footed shearwater
  • Black-vented shearwater
  • Buller’s shearwater
  • Black-footed albatross
  • Laysan albatross
  • Short-tailed albatross
  • California least tern
  • Marbled murrelet