Pacific Seabirds
Pacific Seabirds is the official publication of the Pacific Seabird Group (PSG) and serves to provide members with recent news on financial reports, Annual Meetings, regional reports, conservation news, special events, awards, decisions of the PSG, and more, plus archive this information for all members. For questions about Pacific Seabirds, please contact the Editor at
Pacific Seabirds is published twice a year in May and November. To submit content to Pacific Seabirds, use the following links:
- Regional Report Submission Form (deadline: March 15)
- Pacific Seabirds Content Submission Form (deadline: March 15 and September 15)

Upcoming events and conferences
Check out upcoming seabird-related events!

Book release event: “Finding Home, a Hawaiian Petrel’s Journey” by Caren Loebel-Fried
Join artist/author Caren Loebel-Fried for the launch of her new book, “Finding Home, A Hawaiian Petrel’s Journey” published by University of Hawai‘i Press.

Committee updates
The Elections Committee and Communications Committee are looking for members!

Member updates
Congratulations to Laura Bliss on her new job at West Coast Ocean Data Portal!

Waterbird Society & Pacific Seabird Group 2025 Joint Meeting
The Pacific Seabird Group and the Waterbird Society will be holding their fifth Joint Conference in San José, Costa Rica, from January 6-9, 2025.

Book review: “Finding Home, a Hawaiian Petrel’s Journey”
Caren Loebel-Fried tells the story of the ‘ua‘u, the Hawaiian Petrel, and the people working to save them in her new, fully illustrated book, “Finding Home, a Hawaiian Petrel’s Journey”, published by University of Hawai‘i Press.

Art on the cabin walls: Gull Island, Witless Bay Ecological Reserve
The common theme? A love for the seabirds that call this place home, like the Leach’s Storm Petrels, Common Murres, Atlantic Puffins, and the various gulls that nest nearby.

Tākoketai/Black Petrels (Procellaria parkinsoni) on Aotea/Great Barrier Island, Aotearoa New Zealand
The tāoketai or Black Petrel (Procellaria parkinsoni), almost completely black with a pale yellowish, black-tipped bill, is an endemic Aotearoa New Zealand seabird.

Insights into the year-round behaviour of common murres at breeding sites
To investigate why birds return to their breeding sites over winter, and investing so much time in doing so, we set out to test how site occupancy in the non-breeding season related to site quality, breeding timing, and breeding success of murres on the Isle of May in Scotland.

Tracking seabird colonies through paleolimnology
By studying the sediment layers in freshwater ponds adjacent to nesting sites, paleolimnologists can uncover critical information about the influence of seabird guano on the surrounding ecosystem.

Hawai‘i Wildlife Center (HWC) rehabilitation patients
Hawaiian archipelago seabird and shorebird rehabilitation patients treated at Hawaii Wildlife Center (HWC) March 1, 2024 to August 31, 2024 consisted of 170 seabirds (16 species) and 9 (2 species) shorebirds.

Ten years of monitoring endangered ʻuaʻu in protected reserves on east Maui
At the Maui Nui Seabird Recovery Project (MNSRP), we monitor and protect ʻuaʻu in the upper Nakula Natural Area Reserve and Kahikinui Forest Reserve on the leeward slopes of Haleakalā.

The impact of light attraction on adult seabirds and the effectiveness of minimization actions
While multiple scientific papers have considered fledgling fallout, there is little in the literature regarding the impact of light attraction on breeding adult seabirds on land.

King Eider migration in the Chukchi Sea — July 23–25, 2023
A field biologist’s reflection of historic and current observations in the Arctic, part photo-journalism and documentation.

Assessing the risk: identifying seabirds and seals most at risk from climate change
Our research offers a comprehensive climate risk assessment for 53 marine predator species, including 43 seabird and 10 pinniped species, across southeast Australia, subantarctic Macquarie Island, and Antarctica.

Helen Coxhead McFarland: a sketch of a life
In memoriam of PSG member, Helen Coxhead McFarland.

From the archive
We’re going back to the Pacific Seabirds Archive! Check out our pick from Volume 24(2), published in 1997.
For older issues dating back to 1974, visit the Pacific Seabirds archives.