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World Seabird Union launches a new website experience

Written by Carrie Kovalick

This February, the World Seabird Union (WSU) unveiled an enhanced website designed to be a global hub for all things seabird conservation. This new platform will not only connect people with information, tools, resources, and opportunities—but also unite them in a shared mission of supporting seabird conservation projects in communities worldwide, making it easier than ever to make a global impact. 

Launching the new site worldseabirdunion.org was a momentous occasion, coinciding with the Pacific Seabird Group Annual Meeting. It also served as a platform to announce the date for the highly anticipated 2026 World Seabird Conference (WSC) in Hobart, Australia. The WSC is a pinnacle event for seabird conservationists, researchers, professionals, students, and supporters. It offers a unique opportunity to forge new connections and collaborate across various fields of seabird science, research, management, business, and education.

As a legacy project from the first World Seabird Conference in 2010, seabirds.net will also remain an important project of the WSU. The history of the original site goes back to when seabird researchers Scott Hatch and Annette Henry got together and thought it would be a good idea to have a website that represented a data portal that pointed people to information about seabird databases, science, etc. Seabirds.net will remain the home of the life history database, discussion forum, and WSU Global Seabird Colony Register (an interactive map that provides data storage, sharing, and visualization of colony data, and is a crucial resource for seabird conservation initiatives).

By submitting your seabird conservation-related events, activities, stories, press releases, or announcements, you can contribute to the global seabird conservation community. WSU will highlight your news across social media and email and provide a platform for you to connect with other professionals and supporters, amplifying the impact of your work. 

About World Seabird Union: WSU works to build connections among member organizations, promote the exchange of seabird information, and unify people working on global seabird-related topics. Their mission is to place seabird research, management, and conservation into a worldwide perspective. They do this by creating global partnerships that reach out to developing nations to facilitate research, transfer knowledge, and support conservation. The World Seabird Union comprises professional seabird organizations worldwide, including the Pacific Seabird Group. WSU has a 15-year vision to create and enhance sustainable, diverse networks, and partnerships to foster and share seabird research, knowledge, and ideas on a global level. More details can be found in WSU’s 5-year strategic business plan online