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World Seabird Twitter Conference 7 – last chance to register!

This message is for all seabird researchers, conservationists, and students who want to sign up for the 7th annual World Seabird Twitter Conference! Only one day left to get your abstracts in!

Remember – registration is free and there are big prizes!

One of the biggest prizes available this year is from TechnoSmart for 5000 Euros to spend on biologgers! For those of you wanting to track some birds and needing some units – this is a fantastic opportunity.

Other sponsors include the Pacific Seabird Group, The Seabird Group, the World Seabird Union,  the British Ornithologists Union, Aves Argentinas, Penguin Watch, ABC Birds, and Red de Observadores de Aves y Vida Silvestre de Chile.

WSTC has been growing year after year and is one of the best ways of getting your science out to people from all over the world, with a social media reach of nearly 4 million people in 2020.

Register here: https://blackbawks.shinyapps.io/WSTC7/

More information available here: World Seabird Twitter Conference (seabirds.net)