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Statistical Methods Webinar – Bioacoustic Analyses in R

The Ecological Forecasting Initiative (EFI) and the ESA Statistical Ecology Section are hosting a virtual seminar about analyzing bioacoustic data. This seminar will take place on Monday, November 7th at 12:00pm EST, so register soon!

Bioacoustic data provide a non-invasive method to monitor animals. R can be a powerful tool to analyze animal acoustic signals compared to other sounds analysis software in that it is highly flexible and allows for customizable analyses that can be fit to research questions and the characteristics of vocalizations. Dr. Araya-Salas is deeply involved in the development of computational tools for bioacoustic analyses including warbleR that provides functions to streamline high-throughput acoustic analysis of animal sounds; Rraven that aim to simplify the use of R for bioacoustic research; baRulho to quantify acoustic signal transmission and degradation; ohun to optimize automatic detection; and dynaSpec for creating dynamic spectrograms.

Register at: https://bit.ly/3C6x816

Details about the seminar series are at: https://ecoforecast.org/workshops/statistical-methods-seminar-series/