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Register for the 2019 PSG Annual Meeting

Register for the 46th Annual Meeting in lovely Kaua’i! Plenary speakers, special paper sessions – lots of great events scheduled. See the Annual Meeting Website and follow on Twitter #PSG2019

Seabirds in a Changing Pacific: Ensuring a Future, Fighting the Plastic

The Pacific Seabird Group is pleased to announce the 46th Annual Meeting to be held at the Aqua Kauai Beach Resort in Kaua‘i, Hawaii, USA from 27 Feb to 2 Mar 2019.  Click here for Annual Meeting Website

We are in the process of arranging the scientific program, which will be jam packed with cutting edge technology and research that pushes the boundaries. We encourage participants to stay connected by following and including the meeting hashtag (#PSG2019) in social media posts. We’re a small island with a close knit community and we are looking forward to welcoming you and answering any questions you might have. Aloha!