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Regional reports and content submissions for Pacific Seabirds 52(1) due on March 15th!

Content submissions and regional reports are due on March 15th for inclusion in Pacific Seabirds—PSG’s twice-yearly online publication.

Content Submissions

Members are welcome and encouraged to submit content to each new issue of Pacific Seabirds! The committee is looking forward to receiving submissions related to anything members are currently working on, from reports to art, and recommendations to current events. The publication will also now support a few regular series, including committee updates, upcoming events, and more. We are especially excited about the new member updates series—a chance to celebrate achievements of our members and any other changes or moves members of PSG want to share.

  • Click here to submit your content by March 15th.
  • To learn more about our content submission guidelines, click here

Regional Reports

We have moved to an online submission form for the Regional Reports. These reports will be submitted annually by March 15th. We will then publish and share these Regional Reports in a spreadsheet-style format, which will allow folks to search Regional Reports by region, species, etc. The Regional Reports will be published later in the spring with the spring issue of Pacific Seabirds. We also invite you to check out the revamped Pacific Seabirds here (Issue 51[1]).

Instructions for submitting a Regional Report:

  • All regional reports must be submitted via the Regional Report Submission Form.
  • Regional Report Submission Guidelines are available here.
  • Please compile a brief report that summarizes your work, studies, research, or conservation actions over the last year. You may also report on emerging conservation issues related to seabirds and/or related species/habitats. Your report should mention the species (or species group) on which you worked, the location of your work, when the work took place, and what you were investigating or monitoring.
  • The submission form allows the upload of content as a document (.doc, .docx), pdf (.pdf), or image (.jpeg, .jpg, .png., etc.).
  • We ask that you upload your report as a document (.doc, .docx) and keep to a word count of 1,000 words or less. If you are reporting on multiple projects within a region, we suggest a word count of 250-300 words per project.
  • Please include the names of any co-authors or collaborators in your report and in the Regional Report Submission Form.
  • Please upload images or figures separately (at the highest resolution possible); do not embed images in a document. Our form allows you to upload up to five content pieces (as a document, pdf, or image).
  • If you have multiple images or figures, please upload a document with the correct captions or legends and full credits/acknowledgements.
  • If you have a different file type for your submission, please email it to editor@pacificseabirdgroup.org and include your name and contact information.
  • The Editor and/or Associate Editor may follow-up with you with questions about your submission. Please note that the Editor and Associate Editors may edit text (for conciseness, grammatical correctness, and word count); they may also resize images to fit to our website.

Regional Reports are such an important way for us to learn from one another, network, and connect. We hope this new approach will spur interest in Regional Reports and help create a more diverse, inclusive, and engaged membership. If you have any questions, please ask! Thank you!

Wieteke Holthuijzen & Anna Vallery
Committee Co-Coordinators
Pacific Seabird Group Communications Committee