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#PSG2019 Kawaiola Ceremony Instructions

We are looking forward to sharing this special event with you to convene PSG 2019 here on Kauai. Please click for details.

We will be having a very special start to this year’s Pacific Seabird Group conference with a Kawaiola Ceremony (“Water is Life”) led by Kumu Sabra Kauka.  To take part in the ceremony, you need to bring a sample of fresh water from your home country with you.  The water must come straight from a spring or other direct fresh water source (not tap water!) and only needs to be about a thimblefull.  Please boil your sample before you bring it so bugs don’t make the journey with you!

It is really important that we know how many people want to take part, so if you are going to bring water with you, please email Andre at araine6@hawaii.edu BEFORE February 25th.  if we have not heard from you by then we will assume you will be watching the ceremony but will not be taking part!

Sabra, Hob, and Maka’ala
Local Committee Cultural Representatives

Local Committee Chair
Email: locochair@pacificseabirdgroup.org