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PSG HELPS – Sponsor a Student or ECS Membership

Dear PSG family,

To further the Pacific Seabird Group’s commitment to fostering a diverse membership, we are launching a new effort: PSG Helping Elevate Long-term Participation in Science (PSG HELPS).

About 64% percent of PSG’s current membership is composed of mid- to late-career professionals. A much smaller fraction of PSG membership is held by early-career scientists (ECS, 36%). To support active participation of the next generation of seabird professionals within PSG, HELPS works to sponsor ECS (including students) with 1- or 2-year PSG memberships.

How can you HELP? We are currently recruiting sponsors for 20 HELPS applicants. By contributing, you remove financial barriers for early career scientists and students to gain access to the PSG network, mentoring and leadership experiences and let them know they have vital voices that enrich the PSG community. Your support can help us take a small, but concerted step in deepening and strengthening our community.

Donate to the HELPS fund now!

Thank you for joining us in our efforts to amplify PSG’s message of inclusivity and to further the group’s commitment to diversity and equity.


With gratitude,

Laney White, HELPS Coordinator
Wieteke Holthuijzen, Communications Committee
Jane Dolliver, Communications Committee