PSG 2023 – Silent AUKtion – Soliciting Donations!
PSG is soliciting donations for the 2023 Silent AUKtion!
If you have any items you would like to donate, please fill out this form:
For the past decade, the Silent AUKtion has been held at each Annual Meeting to raise funds for Student Travel Awards. Proceeds from the Silent AUKtion have assisted more than 100 students in attending and presenting their work at the Annual Meeting! Even though PSG’s 50th Annual Meeting will be held in-person this year, the Silent AUKtion will remain online for convenience and allow PSG members not attending the meeting to participate. The Silent AUKtion will run from February 1-17, 2023 and our goal is to raise at least $2,500. Money raised will go towards Student Travel Awards for PSG 2024 in Seattle, Washington.
Popular AUKtion items that you can donate include seabird/marine-themed artwork, photographs, crafts, books and field guides, clothing, field gear, and any interesting seabird/marine-themed memorabilia. Don’t let this list limit you! We’re open to creative, new ideas for AUKtion items and experiences! Because the AUKtion is virtual this year, we ask that those making donations are prepared to (1) send photos and a description of their donated item(s), AND (2) ship their item(s) to the winner(s) at the conclusion of the AUKtion. PSG is a registered 501(c)(3) and offers tax receipts for all donations.
Questions? Contact Kristin Brunk ( For more information about the Silent AUKtion, click here.