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PSG 2022 Annual Meeting – Accepting Proposals for Special Paper Sessions, Symposia, Workshops, and Award Nominations

As you have probably seen from recent announcements, due to the continuing COVID-19 situation, PSG has made the hard decision to hold a virtual meeting in February 2022. We had hoped to see everyone in person, but the success of last year’s meeting gives us confidence that we will have a vibrant meeting with science sharing, valuable workshops, engagement with your fellow seabirders, and thought-provoking plenary speakers.

We are soliciting proposals for special paper sessions, symposia, and workshops for the PSG 2022 Virtual Annual Meeting.

Please submit proposals directly to me at programchair@pacificseabirdgroup.org by October 15th.

We are also still soliciting award nominations for:

  • PSG Lifetime Achievement Award –  A seabird researcher, educator, or conservationist who has made significant, long-term contributions to seabird science, conservation and education in the Pacific Ocean or the world.
  • PSG Special Achievement Award – An individual who has performed outstanding, long-term service for the Pacific Seabird Group, or who has achieved an outstanding and significant exemplary accomplishment for the betterment of seabird research, education, and/or conservation, or both.

If you would like to submit a nomination, please email the PSG Past Chair (pastchair@pacificseabirdgroup.org), and include a written description of why your nominee is deserving of PSG recognition, and provide enough information to make your case. Include your contact information, and should your nominee be chosen, your commitment to writing up an awards essay for the 2022 annual program and the following Pacific Seabirds issue. If you have already sent in your nomination and have received confirmation that it was received, there is no need to re-submit.

While we cannot be together, we recognize the silver lining that we will be able to have wide participation across our membership and beyond. We are putting together a program to share science, be inspired, and unite (virtually) with colleagues, friends, and new connections. More to come on the PSG 2022 website!

Mark your calendars to Register for PSG 2022 beginning November 1st. I for one, can’t wait to reunite and re-engage!


Rachel S. Sprague, Ph.D.
PSG Chair-elect and 2022 Annual Meeting Program Chair