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PSG 2019 abstract deadline extended!

The #PSG2019 abstract deadline was just given a 1-week extension, until 7 Dec 2018, 11:59PM PST (UTC-8)

A couple people have already asked if they can have a week extension to complete their abstracts and others have conveyed deadline extensions have been common in PSG’s past.  To acknowledge this past and to accommodate those that have asked I am extending the abstract deadline to Friday, December 7th at 11:59PM PST (UTC-8). 

Those that have submitted by November 30th will be preferentially considered in the program and will also be notified about the status of their presentations a week before those that submit late.  Submissions following the deadline of Friday, December 7th at 11:59PM PST (UTC-8) will not be considered.

  A few people have reported trouble navigating through the CVENT registration portal to submit their abstracts.  If you have trouble or concern with the CVENT portal don’t hesitate to email me your abstract directly but please include PSG 2019 Abstract in the subject line. Do not assume your abstract is in until I acknowledge it with a reply and expect to work with me to trouble-shoot the CVENT portal.

Best wishes and see you in Kaua‘i!

David Craig, Scientific Program Chair