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Pacific Seabirds content submissions due on September 15th!

Content submissions are due on September 15th for inclusion in Pacific Seabirds—PSG’s twice-yearly online publication.

Members are welcome and encouraged to submit content to each new issue of Pacific Seabirds! The committee is looking forward to receiving submissions related to anything members are currently working on, from reports to art, and recommendations to current events. The publication will also now support a few regular series, including committee updates, upcoming events, and more. We are especially excited about the new member updates series—a chance to celebrate achievements of our members and any other changes or moves members of PSG want to share.

  • Click here to submit your content by September 15th.
  • To learn more about our content submission guidelines, click here

If you have any questions, please ask! Thank you!

Wieteke Holthuijzen & Anna Vallery
Committee Co-Coordinators
Pacific Seabird Group Communications Committee