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Pacific Seabirds coming soon!

As you may have heard, PSG’s official publication, Pacific Seabirds, is undergoing some exciting changes and will soon be available each spring and fall as an engaging blog on the Pacific Seabird Group website.

Our new Pacific Seabirds committee is busy putting together the first issue, but we need your help compiling details for two new series that will be featured on this webpage!

Member Updates: Have you or one of your colleagues recently received a big promotion? Do you know a member of PSG who recently defended a thesis? Did a fellow member recently retire? We want to hear all about it! We’re excited to highlight PSG member updates with each new issue of Pacific Seabirds. These updates can be emailed to Pacific Seabirds at editor@pacificseabirdgroup.org!

Upcoming Events: Though the PSG Annual Meeting is the favorite event of the year, we would love to share other upcoming relevant events with our membership and would love your input. If you know of any workshops, trainings, meetings, or other events that you think PSG should hear about, please email the details to editor@pacificseabirds.org.

We’re very excited to share the first issue of the new Pacific Seabirds with you at the end of November, so stay tuned for some great information!

Wieteke Holthuijzen & Anna Vallery
Committee Co-Coordinators
Pacific Seabird Group Communications Committee