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Internship Opportunity: Remote Tern Interns (MA)

The Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife seeks Remote Tern Interns to support data collection activities on endangered terns nesting on Bird and Ram Islands in Buzzards Bay, MA. Deadline to apply: 4/29/2021.

This internship is for remote data collection and entry. One to two remote interns will support our field efforts on Bird and Ram Islands by planning daily field tasks and recording and entering data. Remote interns will “visit” the Bird and Ram colonies in three-way calls with on-site MassWildlife staff. They will record data online, simultaneous to the on-site data collection in traditional notebooks. They will then transfer the data to spreadsheets to be used for analysis.

QUALIFICATIONS – Previous experience with biological data collection looked upon favorably, but enthusiasm and strong work ethic are more important. Candidates should be organized, detail-oriented, self-motivated, and strong communicators. They must be able to work cooperatively with others, maintain a positive attitude, and able to be productive without an on-site supervisor. Flexibility, patience, and a sense of humor are essential for all staff. Additionally:

· You must have a computer (laptop or desktop) and a telephone with a reliable connection. It helps to have a back-up phone line in case of a bad connection on one. A telephone headset with mic may be helpful/necessary.

· Because the colonies are extremely noisy, you must have a workspace where you can raise your voice so on-site biologists can hear you over the din of thousands of terns. If you are not able to raise your voice, communications will be frustrating and ineffective.

SCHEDULE AND DATES – Early mornings, occasional long days, and changes in plans with little advance notice are normal for field-based work and should be expected. Interns can expect the workload to vary through the season, to work around the weather and the tides, and occasionally to work on weekends and holidays. Dates are flexible to accommodate college calendars. Our greatest need is from early May through mid-July. Part time or short-term opportunities are possible.

COMPENSATION –You may be eligible for credit or a monetary stipend through your college; however, MassWildlife does not provide financial compensation.

TO APPLY – Please email the following to Carolyn Mostello (carolyn.mostello@mass.gov):
(1) a cover letter,
(2) a resume detailing your education, experience (paid or volunteer), and any special skills, and
(3) names, email addresses, and phone numbers of three references

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

For additional information, see: https://www.mass.gov/service-details/buzzards-bay-tern-restoration-project