PSG 2023 – Annual Meeting Announcements
The 50th Annual Meeting in La Jolla is almost here! Ahead of the meeting, we would like to share a few announcements and resources.
The 50th Annual Meeting in La Jolla is almost here! Ahead of the meeting, we would like to share a few announcements and resources.
North Coast Resource Management is seeking surveyors to conduct surveys for Northern Spotted Owls (NSOs) throughout Mendocino and Sonoma Counties in California. Special consideration will be given to individuals with Spotted Owl survey experience in addition to past/current certification for surveying Marbled Murrelets. Deadline to apply: 2/20/2023.
The intern will assist with the day to day support of various ongoing seabird and laboratory research. Applicants should exhibit a strong interest in seabird and marine ecology. This position involves a combination of computer, laboratory, and some field work. Deadline to apply: ASAP (open until filled).
Confused by the federal hiring system? We’re here to HELP! Join the Pacific Seabird Group for this free webinar to learn more about the USAJOBS system. This training will help early career scientists and students navigate the federal hiring process, learn best practices for applying to positions in the wildlife sciences, and break down barriers to build a successful application.
Did you know that PSG 2023 is also the 50th anniversary of the Pacific Seabird Group? Celebrate in style and purchase PSG swag via our online store! You can pick up your merchandise at the check-in table during registration.
PSG is pleased to present the Scientific Program for PSG 2023!
The RSPB Centre for Conservation Science is seeking a Senior Conservation Scientist to join their International Science team. The post will involve developing and leading scientific projects to inform and support conservation of our priority international species. In particular, this will include working on island restoration and invasive species management and eradication in the UK Overseas Territories (UKOTs). Deadline to apply: ASAP!
The Coastal Conservation Research Program (CCRP) offers a 10-week summer internship program for undergraduate students hosted at The Wetlands Institute on the Cape May Peninsula of southern New Jersey. Deadline to apply: 2/19/2023.
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (UK) have an exciting job opportunity as a team leader to monitor and manage the east Norfolk and north Suffolk beach-nesting bird team. The project protects up to 43% of the UK’s little terns, as well as significant numbers of ringed plovers. The east Norfolk colonies have become some of the largest and highest…
Check your inbox—many of you have received your PSG Ballot for the Executive Council! Be sure to read through the candidates and vote. The last day to vote is Sunday, February 5, 2023.
Marine Ornithology is an open access journal that is published through a partnership of the African Seabird Group, Australasian Seabird Group, Dutch Seabird Group, Japanese Seabird Group, and Pacific Seabird Group.
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The objective of the Conservation Fund is to advance the conservation of seabirds in developing countries primarily in or bordering the Pacific Ocean by providing funds for conservation and restoration activities, and building within-country seabird expertise. Learn More »