Travel applications due in 1 week!
Travel awards and associated abstracts for #PSG2020 are due Friday, 15 November, 11:59pm.
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Travel awards and associated abstracts for #PSG2020 are due Friday, 15 November, 11:59pm.
Dr. Beth Gardner of the Quantitative Ecology Lab at the University of Washington is seeking a PhD student interested in marine conservation planning. Deadline to apply: 15 November 2019.
The New York Natural Heritage Program seeks a marine zoologist to work with program partners to refine the list of marine animal species tracked in the Program’s database and identify the appropriate spatial methodology for mapping occurrence and distribution of marine fauna.
Find all the information about travel awards (due 15 November 2019!) and abstract submission on the event website link under the “Annual Meeting” tab.
ABR, Inc. is hiring a Data Manager in Fairbanks, Alaska beginning November 2019.
Saltwater, Inc. is hiring Marbled Murrelet Surveyors for a project in north Seattle beginning in 2020.
Check it all out!
Tetra Tech, Inc. seeks a Principal Marine Scientist in New England to support offshore development projects.
Répondez s’il vous plait (RSVP) to the survey we just sent all members and listserv subscribers to let us know if we’ll see you in attendance at PSG 2020 in Portland, Oregon, USA.
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Marine Ornithology is an open access journal that is published through a partnership of the African Seabird Group, Australasian Seabird Group, Dutch Seabird Group, Japanese Seabird Group, and Pacific Seabird Group.
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The objective of the Conservation Fund is to advance the conservation of seabirds in developing countries primarily in or bordering the Pacific Ocean by providing funds for conservation and restoration activities, and building within-country seabird expertise. Learn More »