Early Career Scientists

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Paid Coordinator: Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels Executive Secretary

ACAP is seeking an Executive Secretary in the Secretariat of the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP). The ACAP Secretariat is an Intergovernmental Organisation that supports the work of the Agreement in seeking to achieve and maintain a favourable conservation status for albatrosses and petrels. Deadline to apply: April 2, 2024.

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Paid Researcher: Marine Zoologist (NY)

The New York Natural Heritage Program (NYNHP) is seeking a marine zoologist to help conserve New York’s biodiversity by working with program partners to refine the list of marine animal species tracked in NYNHP’s database and identify the appropriate spatial methodology for mapping occurrences of marine animals Deadline to apply: February 18, 2024.

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Paid Scientist: Associate Fish and Wildlife Biologist (OR, WA)

RTR is seeking a self-motivated professional that is interested in being part of a research team at the forefront of studies aimed at monitoring colonial waterbirds and restoring fish of conservation concern. Research sites are based throughout the Columbia River Basin in Oregon and Washington. Deadline to apply: February 16, 2024.

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Paid Manager: Avian Hospital Manager at BirdCare Aotearoa (NZ)

BirdCare Aotearoa wild bird hospital (BCA) is seeking an avian hospital manager to assess and triage birds brought to the centre, undertake or direct their treatment, and pre-release checks for birds. This position has an immediate start, so applicants must be New Zealand citizens, residents, or have a valid work visa. Deadline to apply: 10 January 2024.

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Paid Scientist: Wildlife Biologist/Assistant Project Biologist (CA)

The Common Murre Restoration Project is seeking an Assistant Project Biologist to assist the Lead Biologist with aspects of a long-term monitoring study of breeding seabirds including Common Murre, Brandt’s Cormorant, Pelagic Cormorant, Western Gull, Black Oystercatcher, and Pigeon Guillemot along the central California coast. Deadline to apply: 1/22/2024.

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Paid Scientist: Marine Species Lead Biologist (WA)

The Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife is hiring a marine species lead biologist. The person in this position will work independently and collaboratively drives the development, communication, and implementation of comprehensive biological assessments and conservation plans for native nongame wildlife in Washington. Application reviews begin on 12/14/2023; final deadline to apply is 12/28/2023.

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Paid Crew Lead and Technicians: Aldabra Rat and Cat Eradication Project Officers (Seychelles)

The Seychelles Islands Foundation is recruiting two (2) project officers and one (1) senior project officer that will be responsible for the Aldabra Atoll UNESCO World Heritage Site rat and cat eradication (RaCE) feasibility phase. Deadline to apply: 12/8/2023.

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Paid Crew Lead: Recruitment Life Raft Eradication Delivery (Northern Ireland)

The LIFE Raft project (Rathlin Acting for Tomorrow) is looking for an Eradication Delivery Manager to manage the removal of invasive non-native ferrets and rats from the Rathlin Island Special Protection Area (SPA) in Northern Ireland. Deadline to apply: 12/4/2023.