Early Career Scientists

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Paid Scientist: Palmyra Atoll NWR permanent GS-9 Biologist/Refuge Specialist (HI)

The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is accepting applications for a permanent position supporting Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge. The appointee will support refuge missions and work closely with The Nature Conservancy’s Palmyra Program as well as a network of other non-profit, governmental, and university groups that conduct research and conservation work within the Refuge. Deadline to apply: January 2, 2025.

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Paid Advisor/Analyst: International Advisor for NZ Department of Conservation

The NZ Department of Conservation is seeking an International Advisor to support conservation through providing advice on the international context for conservation, and international agreements and collaboration. Deadline to apply: November 10, 2024.

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Paid Coordinator: COASST Science Coordinator (WA)

The Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team (COASST) is seeking a Science Coordinator to maintain all long-term program operations within data collection, verification, curation and use; while simultaneously creating and maintaining excellent relationships with science, funding and data collection partners. Deadline to apply: November 10, 2024.

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Postdoc Position: Seabird bycatch in Northeastern US and Atlantic Canada (VA)

Virginia Tech is searching for a postdoc to join a funded research project aimed at improving the understanding of seabird bycatch, particularly Great Shearwater (Ardenna gravis) and Northern Gannets (Morus bassanus), in commercial fisheries in the Northeastern U.S. and Atlantic Canada. Deadline to apply: ASAP!

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Postdoc Position: Postdoctoral Scholar in seabird population dynamics (CA)

The Institute for Ecological Monitoring and Management at San Diego State University is seeking a highly qualified and experienced postdoctoral scholar to join their research team and lead efforts in seabird population dynamics and quantitative analyses. Deadline to apply: as soon as possible!

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Paid Crew Lead: Field Biology Technician (HI)

Maui Nui Seabird Recovery Project is looking for a dedicated and experienced field biologist to support our work protecting and conserving the seabirds of Maui Nui and their breeding habitats. The primary duties of the lead field technician involve overseeing the field crew. Deadline to apply: May 24, 2024.