About Us
Pacific Seabird Group (PSG)
Dedicated to the study and conservation of Pacific seabirds and their environment
The Pacific Seabird Group (PSG) is a society of professional seabird researchers and managers dedicated to the study and conservation of seabirds. PSG was formed in 1972 out of a need for increased communication among academic and government seabird researchers.
The principal goals of PSG are (1) to increase the quality and quantity of seabird research through facilitating exchange of information and (2) to identify and assess the importance of threats to seabird populations and provide government agencies and others with expert advice on managing the threats and populations.
PSG members are delegates to several other ornithological organisations:
- Agreement on the Conservation of Albatross and Petrels (ACAP)
- American Bird Conservancy (ABC)
- North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES)
- Ornithological Council (OC)
- World Seabird Union (WSU)
PSG members include biologists, wildlife managers, post-docs, students and conservation biologists from 16 countries including the United States, Mexico, Canada and Japan. PSG annual meetings and publications provide forums where members can share their findings on all research topics related to Pacific seabirds, and discuss local and large scale conservation issues. The Executive Council guides the organisation and makes decisions regarding operations. The Executive Council has 15 members including 6 Officers, a Student Representative and 8 Regional Representatives.
Support for our Members
Click here to learn about seabird research and conservation grants available through PSG—open to all seabird scientists, from any level, any country!
Atención investigadores y estudiantes en Aves Marinas de todo el mundo. El Pacific Seabird Group provee de fondos para realizar investigación y conservación en aves marinas. Excelente oportunidad que no debes perder. Haz click aquí para mayor información.
Appel à candidatures ! Le Pacific Seabird Group propose des bourses pour la conservation des oiseaux marins, ouvertes aux scientifiques de tous niveaux et de toutes origines (cliquez ici). Soumettez votre projet !
Our Concern is Seabirds
The interest and concern of the Pacific Seabird Group encompasses millions of birds from more than 275 species, all related by their dependence on the ocean environment. Seabirds in the Pacific Ocean represent 23 families of birds, with widely divergent natural history characteristics and concerns on the colony and at sea. Some species are astonishingly numerous with broad distributions while others are uncommon and occur only in restricted areas. PSG members work hard to increase our collective knowledge of Pacific seabirds, to understand ecosystem dynamics at both small- and large-scales, to address climate change impacts on seabirds, and to identify and address threats from human development and activities. Read more here

“I do believe that we all have to thank the marine birds for taking us to beautiful, remote and pristine regions, territories of freedom, so scarce nowadays; for introducing us to valuable working colleagues, that become partners, that become friends, that become best and lasting friends; for bringing distant and close nations, and diverse peoples together, beyond walls and artificial frontiers and barriers; for giving us motive and chances to collaborate; for allowing us to have an outstanding job to raise our families while they raise their chicks; and for giving us hope.”
Alfonso Aguirre
Island Ecology and Conservation Group, Mexico
History of Pacific Seabird Group
The Pacific Seabird Group has a wonderful and rich history spanning over 50 years. Click here to learn more about PSG’s history including photos, facts, and trivia from members and Pacific Seabirds Bulletins. To contribute to this project, please contact the Communications Committee (communications@pacificseabirdgroup.org).