Executive Council
Meeting Minutes | Organizational Records
Dan Barton: chair@pacificseabirdgroup.org
Don Lyons: programchair@pacificseabirdgroup.org
Past Chair
Juliet Lamb: pastchair@pacificseabirdgroup.org
Former Chair
Dick Veit: formerchair@pacificseabirdgroup.org
Vice-Chair for Conservation
Scott Pearson: conservation@pacificseabirdgroup.org
Julie Skogland: treasurer@pacificseabirdgroup.org
Laura Bliss: secretary@pacificseabirdgroup.org
Alaska and Russia
| Anne Schaefer email: AK.RU_Rep@pacificseabirdgroup.org |
Washington and Oregon
| Ryan Carle email: WA.OR_Rep@pacificseabirdgroup.org |
Northern California
| Sarah Ann Thompson email: NoCA_Rep@pacificseabirdgroup.org |
Southern California, Latin America, and Hawaii
| Jim Howard email: SoCA.HI.LA_Rep@pacificseabirdgroup.org |
United States excluding AK, WA, OR, CA, and HI
| Julia Gulka email: US.exc_Rep@pacificseabirdgroup.org |
| Kerry Woo email: Canada_Rep@pacificseabirdgroup.org |
Asia and Oceania
| Ariel-Micaiah Heswall email: Asia.Oc_Rep@pacificseabirdgroup.org |
Europe and Africa
| Jérôme Fort email: EU.AF_Rep@pacificseabirdgroup.org |
Student Representative
| Alyssa Eby email: Student_Rep@pacificseabirdgroup.org |
1974, 1975 | J. Michael Scott |
1976 | George J. Divoky |
1977 | David Manuwal |
1978 | Daniel W. Anderson |
1979, 1980 | Ralph Schreiber |
1981 | Kees Vermeer |
1982 | Harry Ohlendorf |
1983 | Craig Harrison |
1984 | Judith Hand |
1985 | Daniel W. Anderson |
1986 | Lora L. Leschner |
1987 | Kenneth Briggs |
1988 | Scott Hatch |
1989 | D. Michael Fry |
1990 | Doug Siegel-Causey |
1991 | Malcolm C. Coulter |
1992 | Palmer Sekora |
1993 | George J. Divoky |
1994 | John Piatt |
1995 | Mark J. Rauzon |
1996 | William Everett |
1997 | Kim Nelson |
1998 | Alan Burger |
1999 | Edward C. Murphy |
2000 | Julia Parrish |
2001 | William J. Sydeman |
2002 | Lisa Ballance |
2003 | David Irons |
2004 | Daniel Roby |
2005 | Robert Day |
2006 | Katie O’Reilly |
2007 | Verena Gill |
2008 | Douglas F. Bertram |
2009 | Greg Balogh |
2010 | Thomas Good |
2011 | Patrick Jodice |
2012 | Kim Rivera |
2013 | Doug Forsell |
2014 | Joanna Smith |
2015 | Kathy Kuletz |
2016 | Nina Karnovsky |
2017 | Kyra Mills |
2018 | Adrian Gall |
2019 | David Craig |
2020 | Rob Suryan |
2021 | Roberta Swift |
2022 | Rachel Sprague |
2023 | Dick Veit |
2024 | Juliet Lamb |
2025 | Dan Barton |
2026 | Don Lyons |