Executive Council

Meeting Minutes | Organizational Records

Dan Barton: chair@pacificseabirdgroup.org

Don Lyons: programchair@pacificseabirdgroup.org

Past Chair
Juliet Lamb: pastchair@pacificseabirdgroup.org

Former Chair
Dick Veit: formerchair@pacificseabirdgroup.org

Vice-Chair for Conservation
Scott Pearson: conservation@pacificseabirdgroup.org

Julie Skogland: treasurer@pacificseabirdgroup.org

Laura Bliss: secretary@pacificseabirdgroup.org

Alaska and Russia



Anne Schaefer
email: AK.RU_Rep@pacificseabirdgroup.org
Washington and Oregon



Ryan Carle
email: WA.OR_Rep@pacificseabirdgroup.org
Northern California



Sarah Ann Thompson
email: NoCA_Rep@pacificseabirdgroup.org
Southern California, Latin America, and Hawaii



Jim Howard
email: SoCA.HI.LA_Rep@pacificseabirdgroup.org
United States excluding AK, WA, OR, CA, and HI



Julia Gulka
email: US.exc_Rep@pacificseabirdgroup.org



Kerry Woo
email: Canada_Rep@pacificseabirdgroup.org
Asia and Oceania



Ariel-Micaiah Heswall
email: Asia.Oc_Rep@pacificseabirdgroup.org
Europe and Africa



Jérôme Fort
email: EU.AF_Rep@pacificseabirdgroup.org
Student Representative



Alyssa Eby
email: Student_Rep@pacificseabirdgroup.org
1974, 1975J. Michael Scott
1976George J. Divoky
1977David Manuwal
1978Daniel W. Anderson
1979, 1980Ralph Schreiber
1981Kees Vermeer
1982Harry Ohlendorf
1983Craig Harrison
1984Judith Hand
1985Daniel W. Anderson
1986Lora L. Leschner
1987Kenneth Briggs
1988Scott Hatch
1989D. Michael Fry
1990Doug Siegel-Causey
1991Malcolm C. Coulter
1992Palmer Sekora
1993George J. Divoky
1994John Piatt
1995Mark J. Rauzon
1996William Everett
1997Kim Nelson
1998Alan Burger
1999Edward C. Murphy
2000Julia Parrish
2001William J. Sydeman
2002Lisa Ballance
2003David Irons
2004Daniel Roby
2005Robert Day
2006Katie O’Reilly
2007Verena Gill
2008Douglas F. Bertram
2009Greg Balogh
2010Thomas Good
2011Patrick Jodice
2012Kim Rivera
2013Doug Forsell
2014Joanna Smith
2015Kathy Kuletz
2016Nina Karnovsky
2017Kyra Mills
2018Adrian Gall
2019David Craig
2020Rob Suryan
2021Roberta Swift
2022Rachel Sprague
2023Dick Veit
2024Juliet Lamb
2025Dan Barton
2026Don Lyons