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WbS/PSG 2025 – Award nominations due by July 15, 2024

PSG Past Chair Dick Veit invites your nominations for 2025 recipients of PSG’s Lifetime Achievement Award and Special Achievement Award. These awards will be presented to recipients at the 2025 Joint Meeting of PSG and the Waterbird Society in Costa Rica from January 6-9, 2025. 

Nominations for each award should include a detailed summary of the accomplishments of the individual and support for how these accomplishments are consistent with the goals of the Pacific Seabird Group. In 1993, PSG instituted two awards to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to seabirds:

  • PSG Lifetime Achievement Award: A seabird researcher, educator, or conservationist who has made significant, long-term contributions to seabird science, conservation and education in the Pacific Ocean or the world.
  • PSG Special Achievement Award: An individual who has performed outstanding, long-term service for the Pacific Seabird Group, or who has achieved an outstanding and significant exemplary accomplishment for the betterment of seabird research, education, and/or conservation, or both.

Please submit your nominations to Dick Veit (pastchair@pacificseabirdgroup.org) by July 15th, 2024; feel free to follow-up with Dick for further information. 

Dick Veit
Past Chair