The Pacific Seabird Group has four outlets available for the publication of items relating to marine birds, their environment, and their conservation: (1) Marine Ornithology; (2) Pacific Seabirds; (3) Symposia; and (4) Technical Publications. In addition, PSG compiles information about newly-published seabird research; to share your seabird research articles with us (or to pass along recent articles that you’ve found), please complete our form here.

Annual Meeting Programs and Abstracts
Every year the PSG holds an Annual Meeting and the meeting program and abstract books are available online. For more information about PSG publications, and if you’re interested in funding assistance, please contact the PSG Communications Committee at
Past Annual Meeting programs and abstract books are available on the Past Annual Meetings page from 2013 onwards. Meeting programs and abstracts from 1974-1997 are available in the Spring Edition of Pacific Seabirds or PSG Bulletin (Issue No. 1).
Marine Ornithology Journal
Marine Ornithology is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Pacific Seabird Group on behalf of a consortium of seabird groups: African, Australasian, Dutch, Japanese, and Pacific. The journal publishes peer-reviewed contributed papers, special issues, Forum articles (papers on topics of general interest that express a particular viewpoint and may be solicited), and book, website, and software reviews, on all aspects of marine ornithology worldwide. Review papers or Commentaries (i.e., short articles contributing new perspectives on existing publications) on important or emerging topics in marine ornithology are encouraged. Contributions dealing with coastal or water birds such as gulls, terns, cormorants, and pelicans will also be considered.
Click here to access current and past issues from Marine Ornithology. For further information contact Natasha Gillies, Managing Editor, at
Pacific Seabirds Publication
Pacific Seabirds is the official publication of the Pacific Seabird Group (PSG). Published once or twice annually, content includes financial statements, Executive Council reports, Regional Reports, Conservation Report, news from the Annual Meeting, technical articles and reviews, book reviews, and other seabird topics. Pacific Seabirds is the continuation of the Pacific Seabird Group Bulletin.
All back issues are available here. Articles are the property of © Pacific Seabird Group 1974 – present. For information on contributing content to Pacific Seabirds, click here.
At irregular intervals, the Pacific Seabird Group holds symposia at its Annual Meetings, which you can access here. There are specific guidelines for proposing symposia or special paper sessions at PSG Annual Meetings. Please review the Symposia Guidelines before submitting your proposal. Download the Guidelines for Submitting Funding Requests if you’re interested in funding assistance for the publication of PSG-sponsored symposia.
Technical Publications
Technical Publications are produced by PSG to provide methodology workshop proceedings and other technical topics for the members. PSG has several Technical Publications, available here.