PSG Job Board

Are you searching for jobs?
Click on the button below to visit PSG’s Job Board!

Are you hiring or have a job to share? Click on the button below to submit a work opportunity.
PSG is in the process of standardizing job titles on PSG’s Job Board to provide consistency in the naming of entry-level positions and transparency about the financial compensation being offered for expected skills and labor. For more information about our Work Opportunity Naming Scheme, click here. Our Work Opportunity Naming Scheme only applies to positions that have a set end date less than one year after the start date. The naming scheme is as follows:
- Voluntary Positions
- Working Vacationer
- Volunteer
- Full-time or Scheduled Positions
- Unpaid
- Trainee/Intern
- Field/Research Assistant, Education Assistant
- Technician, Educator
- Crew Lead
- Stipended
- Trainee/Intern
- Field/Research Assistant, Education Assistant
- Technician, Educator
- Crew Lead
- Paid
- Trainee/Intern
- Field/Research Assistant, Education Assistant
- Technician, Educator
- Crew Lead
- Unpaid
Other Job Boards
See the links below for other Job Boards that advertise positions related to seabirds, conservation, and ocean studies. The PSG Email List is also a good source for job and internship opportunities.
- AAAS Science Careers (International)
- BirdLife Australia (Australia)
- BirdLife International (International)
- British Columbia Provincial Government Job Postings (Canada)
- Conservation Career Compass (Hawai’i)
- Conservation Connections (Hawai’i)
- Conservation Careers (International)
- Conservation Job Board (mainly United States, some International)
- Ecological Society of America Job Board (mainly United States and Canada)
- ECOLOG-L Ecological Society of America Listserv (mainly United States and Canada)
- Environmental Career Opportunities (mainly United States)
- EnvironmentJob (United Kingdom and International)
- Ornithology Exchange Job Board (mainly United States, some International)
- Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (United Kingdom and International)
- Society for Conservation Biology Jobs Board (mainly North America)
- Society for the Study of Evolution Career Opportunities (mainly United States)
- State Wildlife Job Boards (United States)
- Texas A & M Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences Job Board (mainly United States)
- The Wildlife Society Career Center (mainly United States, some International)
- The Wildlife Trusts (United Kingdom)
- USAJOBS (United States)
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Careers in Conservation (United States)
- World Seabird Union (International)
- Job Market Advice (Twitter Thread from Dr. Cindy Veldhuis/Columbia Academic Job Market Bootcamp) (Resource)
- Twitter Thread: Job Search Engines for the Academic Job Market (Resource)
- Where Do You Look for Academic Jobs in Ecology? (Resource)