PSG Grants

Student Research Grant
This grant seeks to aid student-led research in the promotion of up-and-coming scholar members of Pacific Seabird Group. The PSG Student Research Grant typically funds at least three grants, one grant per degree-level (bachelor, master, doctoral). Past grant awards were between $500 and $1000.

Craig S. Harrison Conservation Fund
The objective of the Conservation Fund is to advance the conservation of seabirds by providing funds or supplies to individuals from developing countries as well as those from elsewhere working in those developing countries primarily in or bordering the Pacific Ocean, (1) for conservation and restoration activities that benefit seabirds in the Pacific Ocean; and (2) to help develop within-country seabird expertise in developing countries within or bordering the Pacific Ocean.
Craig S. Harrison is a former Chair of PSG and former Vice-Chair for Conservation for PSG from 1992 to 2013. He also is an expert on tropical seabirds, one of the founders of the American Bird Conservancy, and a retired lawyer who specialized in environmental law. Because of his longstanding contributions to seabird conservation, especially those on behalf of PSG, we are honored to be able to name the former Conservation Small-grants Program after him. Click here to donate to the Conservation Fund.