Volunteer for PSG
Annual Meeting
Every year, a dedicated team of PSG members volunteer behind the scenes to carefully plan and organize the Annual Meeting! Volunteers help make the meeting a great success and are needed in several roles – Registration Desk, Session Chairs, Student Paper Judging, Audio-Visual, Fundraising, Merchandise, and Program Booklet. Volunteering is a great way to meet other members and learn more about the PSG.
Executive Council Committees and Working Committees do much of PSG’s business and do the conservation work for which PSG is respected. The Executive Council Committees work on tasks like communications (e.g., website, listserv, social media), conservation letters, small grants program, elections and managing PSG Endowment funds. Working Committees focus on species or species groups and are created with a particular purpose. The Executive Council approves all Committees and Committee Coordinators are appointed or approved by PSG Chair. The guidelines for creating a committee can be found in PSG’s Handbook. All committees welcome and need ongoing participation. Contact the committee chairs or coordinators listed on the Committee page for information or to volunteer. A description of PSG committees can also be found in the PSG Bylaws and Handbook. For more information or to join a committee, please contact the respective committee chair or coordinator.
For a list of Committees and the Coordinators, see the Committee Page.
PSG Executive Council Committees are looking for Communications Committee Co-Coordinators and Membership Committee Members. For more information, please contact the PSG Chair (chair@pacificseabirdgroup.org).
Executive Council
The Executive Council (EXCO) is made up of elected Officers, Regional Representatives, and a Student Representative. The Officers include the Chair, Chair- Elect, Past-Chair, Vice-Chair for Conservation, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Chair-Elect, Chair, and Past-Chair positions are one-year terms each, served consecutively by the same person after being elected Chair-Elect. There are seven Regional Representatives that serve a 2-year term and are elected by members in seven PSG regions: Alaska & Russia, Canada, Washington & Oregon, Northern California, Southern California-Hawaii-Latin America, United States (excluding Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, and Hawaii), Asia & Oceania, and Europe & Africa. A Student Representative is elected to EXCO by the student membership of PSG, and serves a 2-year term. The voting process and duties of EXCO positions are listed in the Bylaws and Handbook.
All EXCO members are requested to attend an in-person EXCO meeting, usually held one day before the Annual Meeting starts. The EXCO also holds monthly interim conference calls to conduct business and make decisions throughout the year in a timely and efficient manner. The Secretary is responsible for scheduling all calls and ensuring that the minutes are posted on line for members to review.
Additional members support the EXCO on Committees and are appointed by PSG Chair. These EXCO Committees are led by PSG members that volunteer for the positions, and have unspecified terms. All members are encouraged to learn more about these committees and volunteer their time to help!
For more information about EXCO and EXCO Committees, please contact the Secretary (secretary@pacificseabirdgroup.org).
The PSG EXCO is looking for a delegates to the American Bird Conservancy and other avian-focused professional societies. For more information, please contact the PSG Chair (chair@pacificseabirdgroup.org).
Annual Student-Mentor Social: Students and early career scientists typically have questions about career opportunities in marine ornithology and the range of options available to you regarding seabirds and seabird conservation. Every year, there are opportunities to be a mentor at the Annual Meeting. This social event is a great opportunity for students to meet and learn from PSG’s members representing academia, government, NGOs, and private consulting, and discuss with them careers in teaching, research, management, and policy. The event is open to all students and mentors, and we encourage participation from all career stages and professions as mentors (e.g., early career scientists, mid- or late-career professionals).
PSG is looking for mentors at the 2026 Annual Meeting. For more information, please contact the PSG Student Representative (student_rep@pacificseabirdgroup.org).
Pacific Seabirds is the official publication of the Pacific Seabird Group. Published in the spring and fall, content includes news of interest to PSG members, reports of regional seabird research, technical articles and reviews, a forum for the expression of views, conservation news, abstracts of papers presented at the meetings, book reviews, and artwork inspired by seabirds, and other marine-related topics.
PSG is looking for Associate Editors of Pacific Seabirds and additional help with the Pacific Seabirds Editing Committee. For more information, please contact the Communications Committee (communications@pacificseabirdgroup.org).
Get involved in PSG! Consider donating your time to the Annual Meeting and or assisting the Student Representative with other activities throughout the year including social media campaigns, strategic planning, and membership.
PSG is looking for an Silent AUKtion Coordinator, Student-Mentor Social Coordinator, and Early Career Scientist Panel Coordinator for the 2026 Annual Meeting. Please contact the PSG Student Representative for more information (student_rep@pacificseabirdgroup.org).