PSG Membership

Annual Membership

Members vote on PSG business, receive announcements of meetings, reduced rates on conferences, and can subscribe to the PSG listserv. Your membership contributes to the study and conservation of Pacific seabirds, wherever they occur. Annual membership is for one calendar year and expires each year on December 31. Thank you for your continued support!

Membership categories:

  • Individual membership: $65 USD
  • Two-year individual membership: $120 USD
  • Student membership: $45 USD
  • Two-year student membership: $75 USD
  • Life membership: $2,000 USD – can be divided into 5 annual payments of $400 USD

Life memberships are dedicated to PSG’s Endowment Fund, a fund to support the publications of the PSG, as are direct contributions to the Endowment Fund.

Donations in addition to annual membership dues are gratefully received!   Please consider a generous donation to the travel awards fund, conservation grants, or endowment. Click here to donate!

PSG is a registered 501 (c)(3) and offers tax receipts for all donations.

Join or Renew Here!

If you have any questions, please notify the Membership Coordinators (

The Membership Coordinator is responsible for maintaining the membership database, assisting members with updating their information, sending renewal reminders to members, sending new member information to the list serve coordinator, and dealing with the day-to-day membership inquires.

PSG Helping Elevate Long-term Participation in Science (PSG HELPS)

Are you a student (undergraduate through PhD candidate) or an early career scientist (postdoc or other professional position of less than five years) who thinks they will benefit from a sponsored Pacific Seabird Group membership?

PSG Helping Elevate Long-term Participation in Science (PSG HELPS) aims to support active participation of the next generation of seabird professionals within PSG by removing financial barriers for early career scientists and students to gain access to the group’s network, mentoring, and leadership experiences. Fill out this brief form (also available in Spanish here) to apply to PSG HELPS for a sponsored 1- or 2-year membership. One of the many benefits that membership offers is reduced annual meeting registration costs. Your voice is a vital part of PSG and your participation can help us form a stronger community! If you’re already a member of PSG and want to support the PSG HELPS program, you can donate here. Thanks for your support!

If you are a student or early career scientist (or know someone) who would be interested in receiving a sponsored membership or assistance to attend the annual meeting, please email PSG HELPS for more information.

Corresponding Memberships

Do You Want to be a Corresponding Member of PSG?

The Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity (EID) Committee‘s goal is to maintain a geographically diverse PSG membership spanning the entire Pacific. Moreover, this committee seeks to foster involvement of seabird researchers and conservationists in developing countries or those working in regions with little or no institutional support for seabird conservation. We do this by offering free 3-year memberships to the Pacific Seabird Group, in exchange for a report written by Corresponding Members about their seabird research activities or conservation efforts (published in Pacific Seabirds). In addition, Corresponding Members are eligible for Travel Awards to attend PSG’s Annual Meeting as well as Conservation Grants. The Committee helps Corresponding Members to network with the broader PSG membership and create connections to support critical seabird research and conservation abroad.

If you are a researcher (or know someone) who works in regions with little or no institutional support for seabird conservation, please email the EID Committee for more information on how to join PSG as a Corresponding Member.

Member Resources