Contact Us

Contact Information

For questions or inquiries about the Pacific Seabird Group, please contact Laura Bliss, PSG Secretary:

Mailing address: Pacific Seabird Group, c/o PSG Treasurer Julie Skogland, PO Box 281, Oceanside, CA 92049


The PSG has numerous committees, including EXCO committees and Technical Committees. To learn more or join a committee, please contact the committee chairs or coordinators listed on the Committee Page. A brief description of PSG committees can also be found in the PSG Bylaws and PSG Handbook.

Executive Council (EXCO) and Coordinators

The Council members and Coordinators are listed on the Executive Council Page.  Please send comments or questions to the Secretary ( and they will be relayed to the relevant Council member.

PSG Email List

The Pacific Seabird Group maintains and moderates the PSG Email List for information exchange for Pacific seabirds and notices related to the Annual Meeting, publications, and other items of interest to members. The PSG Email List is free to join! Click here to get started. Please note that only subscribers to the list may post messages. For questions, please contact the Communications Committee (

Social Media

The Pacific Seabird Group uses social media to distribute information about Pacific seabirds and the Annual Meeting.  PSG has Facebook, Facebook Chatroom, X (formerly known as Twitter), and Instagram accounts. Please contact the Communications Committee Coordinator if you have questions about social media (