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San Benito Oeste Island

Travel Awards

Travel awards are presented each year to provide partial financial support to students and scientists from USA, Canada and other countries to attend and present at the annual meeting. Travel awards are competitive and applicants must adhere to PSG’s application requirements. There are three travel award categories: (1) USA & Canada Student, (2) Non-USA & Canada…

Presentation Awards

Student Presentation Awardees Student presentation awards are given out at each year at the Annual Meeting. Oral and poster presentations are judged separately according to guidelines that include originality, presentation style, graphics, format and research data. The award guidelines and judging forms can be found in the PSG Handbook. To read the abstracts for student…

Lifetime & Special Achievement Awards

In 1993, PSG instituted two awards to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to seabirds: Recent PSG Achievement Awardees PSG Lifetime and Special Achievement Awards Year Lifetime Achievement Award Special Achievement Award 2024 Stephen Kress Linda Elliott 2023 William Sydeman Hsiao-Wei Yuan, Simba Chan, Shuihua Chen 2022 Daniel Roby Shannon Fitzgerald 2021 William (Bill)…

Early Career Scientists

PSG is committed to supporting early career scientists. As a PSG Early Career Scientist Member, you can: If you have not previously been a PSG member, you may also be eligible to apply for a 1-2 year sponsored membership via PSG HELPS. PSG is a society of professional seabird researchers and managers dedicated to the study…



PSG provides many opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students studying seabirds and seabird conservation! As an PSG Student Member, you can: If you have not previously been a PSG member, you may also be eligible to apply for a 1-2 year sponsored membership via PSG HELPS. PSG is a society of professional seabird researchers and managers…

Lawes Oahu

Contact Us

Contact Information For questions or inquiries about the Pacific Seabird Group, please contact Lara Brenner, PSG Secretary: Mailing address: Pacific Seabird Group, c/o PSG Treasurer Pam Michael, PO Box 1292, Olympia, WA 98507 Committees The PSG has numerous committees, including EXCO committees and Technical Committees. To learn more or join a committee, please contact…

Volunteer for PSG

Annual Meeting Every year, a dedicated team of PSG members volunteer behind the scenes to carefully plan and organize the Annual Meeting! Volunteers help make the meeting a great success and are needed in several roles – Registration Desk, Session Chairs, Student Paper Judging, Audio-Visual, Fundraising, Merchandise, and Program Booklet. Volunteering is a great way…


PSG Activities

PSG has an active program that includes annual meetings, hosting of symposia, several committees, and publications. Annual Meetings At yearly conferences, seabird researchers share their discoveries and conservation concerns with each other and the public. Reflecting the international distribution of Pacific seabirds, PSG Annual Meetings are often attended by people from throughout the world. Attendees…