Search Results for: 1

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Unpaid Field/Research Assistant: Habitat Restoration Volunteer (HI)

The State of Hawai’i’s Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) is seeking Habitat Restoration Volunteers for work at Kure Atoll Wildlife Sanctuary in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Deadline to apply: April 7, 2024.

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Paid Trainee/Intern: Pathways Student Intern (CA)

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is hiring an intern to work in the Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office on two projects: 1) assist the VFWO Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration (NRDAR) Program to implement seabird restoration projects that compensate for environmental injuries caused by the Refugio Beach Oil Spill (RBOS) and 2) create…

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Australian Avian Genomics Initiative – Call for Partnerships 2024 Now open!

The Australian Avian Genomics Initiative aims to build a foundation of molecular data to advance our understanding and conservation of Australia’s unique bird species. This durable data resource generated by the initiative will include gap-filling reference genomes for Australian representatives of all bird families in Australia, and increasing capacity for cutting-edge studies using phylogenomic, population…

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Paid Field/Research Assistant: Undergraduate Seabird Predator Field Assistant (OR)

The Seabird Oceanography Lab at Oregon State University is hiring one eligible university undergraduate to serve as a seasonal field assistant to support seabird predation research throughout Curry County, Oregon during the summer 2024 field season (June 17th to September 13th). Deadline to apply: March 17, 2024.

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Paid Fellowship: ABC Conservation and Justice Fellowships

American Bird Conservancy’s (ABC’s) Conservation and Justice Fellowship program provides opportunities to examine and expand how we care for both birds and people. These paid, part-time fellowships allow individuals with a wide range of backgrounds and expertise to work closely with our staff and partners on understanding how bird conservation efforts can support local communities,…

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Paid Field/Research Assistant: Faculty Research Assistant / Research Associate (OR)

Oregon State University – CEOAS is searching for a faculty research assistant or research associate to help with integrating biologging datasets from tagged seabirds into oceanographic and ecological workflows. The purpose of this position is to work with a team of scientists to support basic research in oceanography. Deadline to apply: March 1, 2024.

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Graduate Position: Monitoring Seabirds Using Acoustics (Canada)

Carleton University is searching for a graduate (MSc) student to collaborate with the British Antarctic Survey. The student will lead a study funded by the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP), analyzing 8 years of white-chinned petrel audio recordings and burrow surveys at Bird Island, South Georgia. Deadline to apply: March 15,…